Please read the following statement carefully, then acknowledge that you have read and agree to it.
I hereby, acting at my own discretion, of my own free will and for my own benefit, express my consent to the processing of my personal data by IHP APPLIANCES LLC, registered at 125040, Moscow, district Begovoy, Leningradskiy pr-kt, 15, building 10, floor 1 (hereinafter – “the Operator”) for the following purposes: processing reports of theft, fraud, corruption or other breaches of the Operator's ethics policy and other matters at the Operator's discretion.
I consent to processing of any personal data that I provide to Operator in my message, including but not limited to: name and last name, e-mail address, phone number, address.
Processing refers to any operation or set of operations with personal data, performed with or without the use of automation, mixed processing method, both on paper and electronic media, including the following operations: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storing, clarification (updating, editing), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction, transmission via the public communications networks, informational telecommunication networks (including through special operators), cross-border transmission to foreign countries, including the foreign countries that do not provide an adequate protection of the personal data subjects' rights.
The Operator shall have the right to transfer (provide, give access) my personal data for the purpose specified in this consent to the following third parties: OOO BST Consulting, legal address: 5 Lesnaya Str., Moscow 125047, Russia; AO Business Solutions and Technologies, legal address: 5 Lesnaya Str., Moscow 125047, Russia; IHP APPLIANCES LLC, legal address: 398040, Lipetsk region, Lipetsk, Metallurgov Square, 2; BEKO LLC, address: 601021, Russia, Vladimir region, Kirzhach district, municipal formation rural settlement Pershinskoye, Fedorovskoye village, Selskaya street, 49; as well as the sole participant of the Operator - JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ARCELIK" (ARÇELIK A. Ş.), established and registered in accordance with the laws of Turkey, registration number 54957, whose registered office is located at: Turkey, Istanbul, 34445, Sütlüce Karaağaç Caddesi No: 2/6 Beyoğlu, as well as other companies providing audit or consulting services under an agreement with the Operator for the purpose of auditing and / or verifying the information contained in my message.
The Operator shall have the right to engage OOO BST Consulting, legal address: 5 Lesnaya Str., Moscow 125047, Russia; AO Business Solutions and Technologies, legal address: 5 Lesnaya Str., Moscow 125047, Russia; IHP APPLIANCES LLC, legal address: 398040, Lipetsk region, Lipetsk, Metallurgov Square, 2; BEKO LLC, address: 601021, Russia, Vladimir region, Kirzhach district, municipal formation rural settlement Pershinskoye, Fedorovskoye village, Selskaya street, 49; as well as the sole participant of the Operator - JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ARCELIK" (ARÇELIK A. Ş.), established and registered in accordance with the laws of Turkey, registration number 54957, whose registered office is located at: Turkey, Istanbul, 34445, Sütlüce Karaağaç Caddesi No: 2/6 Beyoğlu, as well as other companies providing audit or consulting services under an agreement with the Operator for the purpose of auditing and / or verifying the information contained in my message.
The Operator shall have the right to engage OOO BST Consulting, legal address: 5 Lesnaya Str., Moscow 125047, Russia; AO Business Solutions and Technologies, legal address: 5 Lesnaya Str., Moscow 125047, Russia to collect consents for personal data processing from personal data subjects.
This Consent shall be effective from the date of signing to the date of my withdrawal thereof.
You have the right to access and adjust your personal data; submit inquiries, complaints or objections to the processing of your personal data by contacting the Operator by email:
I am aware of my right to withdraw the consent to processing of the personal data in accordance with Article 9 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated 27 July 2006 by submitting a written request to the Operator’s address.
I have been informed that in the event of withdrawal of this consent, the Operator has the right to continue processing of my personal data without my consent if there are grounds specified in clauses 2–11 of part 1 of article 6, part 2 of article 10 and part 2 of article 11 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated 27 July2006.
By clicking “I agree” button, you agree to the Privacy Policy and certify that you have read, fully understand and accept terms of the forgoing statement.
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